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Old 10-02-2007, 04:42 PM
CazicT CazicT is offline
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Default Re: NL50: AJs on button gets TPWK, how many times did I butcher this hand

Yeah preflop is probably a 3 bet, but other than that I think you did OK.

I might have checked the turn though, at this point we don't really know how much he likes his hand as we check/called and he could still have just about anything even though the flop is pretty scary for a CB.

If he checks behind then we can bet the river and maybe get called by a second or third pair or whatever.

If he bets, he might bet alot hands that he might not call our bet with and if he has a monster then we don't get raised off our hand.

As played I think I like the small VB on the river. Hard to belive he was on a pure draw though not impossible, probably would give up if he was, he probably has ace-rag or KQ or something and will check behind. He will probably only raise with a straight and maybe a set.
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