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Old 10-02-2007, 04:15 PM
gharp gharp is offline
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Default Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (no spoilers!)

Anyone else pick this up today? I got it and just played it for about an hour and I'm pretty happy so far. The stylus controls are better than I thought they'd be -- as far as I can tell you never need to use the buttons or D-pad and this works fine for moving around and hacking up bad guys. The idea of being able to write on the map is genius. Graphics are pretty good too, for a handheld. (I always liked the 'Wind Waker style' so maybe I'm biased.)

Looks like there's some online content too so we can exchange friend codes, etc if anyone gets to the point where they've got something to trade (I'm only on the first dungeon now).

Edit to add a link to Gamespot's Review (a 9.0)
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