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Old 10-02-2007, 12:24 PM
Mojo56 Mojo56 is offline
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Default Re: Did He Touch Home?

Am I the only who can't stand players sliding head first into the plate? It is the catchers job to protect the plate (I've been watching baseball for 45 years and I've seen obstruction called on the catcher ZERO x) and it is the runners job to get to the plate (Mike Scioscia, meet Jack Clark). A head first slide isn't going to move a catcher who is blocking the plate and when you add the risk of injury to your hand smacking into shin guards or cleats it is just a bone head move IMO.

FWIW, I thought he didn't touch the plate originally but after about 30 views there is a chance that he may have got his fingernail on the corner. If replay were in use I think the ruling on the field would have to stand. If he had been called out on the field that would stand also. I am a big proponent of replay in baseball but in this case it was inconclusive. Someone on the ESPN post game (Tim Kurkjian?) had the most moronic argument against replay I've ever heard. Something to the effect that he'd rather have the fans be able to celebrate instantly on an incorrect call then have to wait 10 minutes to get a call right and have the home fans get upset. I'm paraphrasing but this was the gist of what he said. Amazing.
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