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Old 10-02-2007, 07:02 AM
Barfunkel Barfunkel is offline
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Posts: 265
Default Opponent bets small - I have a semi-marginal hand.

This is a situation that is very common at lower stakes, at least up to NL200:

You have an ok but not great hand (say, top pair with a weak kicker or a highish second pair). Opponent bets to you. Normally you either raise or fold, depending on the situation.

But, at lower stakes many opponents don't bet pot or even half the pot. They often make minbets or other small bets, like 1/3 of the pot.

These opponents are, of course, extremely profitable and often very loose so their range can be anything from monster to air (minbet-bluffs against 2 opponents aren't that rare ...).

The question is, is there a reason to raise in such a situation or should I generally just call? If someone bets 1/3 of the pot I definately win against their range more than 1/5 of the time so I at least a call is EV+ but is there a real reason to raise? If I get a call I'm probably in trouble and I don't want to play a big pot with a marginal hand that, if behind, has only a few outs, if any.

Shortly, I have a hand that has good showdown value against opponent's range, pot is small, bets are small, I can probably get a cheap showdown unless the opponents goes crazy on later streets. Why raise?

Or am I just defending weak-tight play here?
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