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Old 10-02-2007, 05:59 AM
ChrisV ChrisV is offline
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Default Re: High Stakes Poker thread (10/1) (Spoilers?)

Thoughts on this episode:

- More ungodly bad play from Sam Farha. I never thought I'd root for Phil Hellmuth, Jr. to win a pot, but I was rooting for him on that AQ hand. Farha could run into AK or QQ+ sooo easily there vs Phil and is ahead (or making him fold) like never.

- Sucks to be Jennifer. The stackoff from Daniel looked bad but I think it was fine. If you put Jen on a range like { Ad9d, Ad8d, Ad7d, KTs, QdJd, Jd9d, T7s, 9d8d } then he has 38.44% equity and is stacking for 38.05% of the pot, so a slim profit. You can try adjusting that range but if you take out the trashier diamond hands you have to take out T7s as well.

- Godawful call from Jamie Gold with the 88 with two players behind him when Sammy flopped JJT with AJ. Also ridiculous to call the flop with the Q2 on Q33 and then fold when Sammy bets the turn. Hoping to hit the deuce and win with three pair? Figure Sammy will definitely check the turn?

- Other awful play this ep: Eli calling with the K7 on AK8 or AK9 or whatever vs like 34758934753495 guys behind him. Mike Baxter raising from the SB with K9o, then moving to bet and checking the flop vs Safai (which I thought was fine) but then check folding the turn? wtf? Also, Gabe can say Safai made a "great call" with the A6s vs Baxter if he likes, but srsly the guy is simply a donkey who never folds top pair.

- And finally: LOL at Gabe saying that "all the players at this table would know that a suited hand makes a flush more than unsuited". (For those who don't know, Phil Hellmuth once lost 10K prop betting that the opposite was the case with AKo vs AKs).
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