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Old 10-02-2007, 02:02 AM
Nick C Nick C is offline
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Default Re: Flopped OESFD, board pairs on turn

There's a case for calling, which is that you quite possibly have 14 clean outs versus trips and you're getting 5:2 or so if Villain will put the rest of his stack in on cards that make your hand. (And I'm thinking at this point, probably he will.)

However, you will occasionally make a straight or flush and lose to a full house (in particular, the As would not be my first choice of cards to catch), and there is some chance Villain has less than he's pretending to and won't pay off. There's also some chance you're already drawing dead. I think I'd just let it go.

Meanwhile, I think pushing would basically be a spew, unless you have some reason to think Villain will fold a decent chunk of the time.

I think you've played the hand well up until now. The big turn raise was just an unexpected and unwelcome development.
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