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Old 10-01-2007, 11:44 PM
stu-unger stu-unger is offline
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Default AP withdraw to epassporte

i recently requested a withdraw to my new epassporte account and it went to request, then like 12 hours later the amount showed back up in the cashier screen at AP.

i called ap and they said it was something on epassportes side, and that i should contact them. I wrote them (epass) an email that still hasnt been responded to.

So, today i requested another withdraw at like noon, and once again now like 12 hours later the money is back in my account with no email from either party to explain this.

the only problem that it could be is that the epass account is new, and even though i have two verified load methods i am not through my 8 day waiting period. epass website says that i should be able to recieve transfers from companies.

what would you do? which crappy cs should i contact first???
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