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Old 10-01-2007, 09:14 PM
divides_by_zero divides_by_zero is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Yes, I\'m a chick. Yes, I go to MIT.
Posts: 930
Default Variance: I may have to kill a man.

I'm taking Math Project Lab this semester. It counts as a lab so yay, and it's math research so I don't actually have to be in lab for hours on end.

How it works is we are split up into teams of 3. We don't get to pick, but that's probably a good thing because math people don't talk to each other. We are then told that we have to pick a project off a list of like 30. We are assigned an advisor who is one of the two professors running the course.

1) I hate group projects. I strongly dislike having my grade potentially in the hands of others. However, this could be a good thing in this class because I am stupid and might get on a team with smart people/people with other skills. The wider the knowledge base the better.

So my team gets together and we start listing off top choices. Right off the bat I'm sure I'm gonna hate the guy on the team. He just gives off an air of retarded. He might be math smart, but I'm sure he is retarded in every other sense. This is a common trait at this school.

We pick a project, and I start working on it. I basically teach myself how to program. I sent out my stuff because I am a n00b programmer and supposedly other teammate has some experience. I get like no replies.

I do more work. Send it out. Get a nitty "isn't the problem this instead?" I reread, send out my thoughts and get like an "oh, we shoudl talk with advisor."

Advisor was out of the country until last thursday.

Our problem is weird enough that I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing. But I'm still trying stuff. I've generated data, etc. I ask what everyone else is working on. Get at least a response from the other girl. Get a response from douchebag being like "we should meet with advisor then work."

Of course we have a rough draft for the paper due on Friday.

So I'm pretty sure he's done like no work. I've only heard a little bit from other person. I am stupid and while I've been working I have no clue what I'm doing, but do know I can't do it alone.

I also realized I screwed up one of my programs and I had to redo it this weekend. I mention the screwup in an email today. In the reply he mentions the error. IF YOU KNEW THERE WAS A MISTAKE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME [censored]. WE'RE ON A TEAM. I KILL YOU NOW. HYACHAHCAHCHAHDHFKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

There were presentations in class by teams that had other problems and they had theorems and [censored]. I'm so screwed.

I have 3 tests on Friday, too.

I had 6 hours of school today.

I have massive ADHD.


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