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Old 10-01-2007, 04:52 PM
Number7 Number7 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 137
Default Re: Driving the Ball 280 to 300.....Really???

I'm still fairly new at this golf game and I'm a little confused about a few things. First of all when people say they drive the ball 300 yards are they talking about carrying 300? That seems like a very different thing to me. Second of all when they calculate pros average driving distance how do they calculate this? It seems to me that a large number of pros use something other than a driver on many holes, are those holes still factored in? I would imagine a much larger number of pros could average 300 than actually do, but strategic decisions make them choose otherwise.

(I would think that prolly less than 1% of your amateur golfers average 300 yd drives, but its kinda fun to listen to people who think they do)

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As far as i know, the Pro`s stats are colleted from two par 5 holes on a course, where they will 98% sure use there Driver.
Thats why it gives a true picture of there driving distance, and not an average of all the holes on the course, which naturally would show a sign of tactics just as much as driving distance.

In my own experience, the driving distances are not crazy, and i know that not all pros drive it really far.

I have been an elite player, and trained/played with several pros as a result, and only few of them hit it further than me, and that being like 265 carry versus 250 carry, so basicly it means one iron shorter to the green, and nothing defining.

Im a 4,6 hdc (scandinavia) so not a gift for golf, but my tee to green is however my biggest advantage, by far.
I have a driver that is quite old, with a very stiff shaft, and it generates alot of backspin, so not the longest driver in the world, but it doesn`t roll to far, and i haven`t found one i hit more consistent, therefor i keep that old stick in my back.

When you play with pro players you find out where they get there scores.
Around green and on the green is where the difference between 5 over par and 2 under par is defined.

Don`t know if it helped lol, but don`t get too caught up in the driving distance, cause yes i can also tell you when i hit a par4 360Y green in one with my spoon.
It doesn`t matter at all, and will only make you focus on things that doesn`t help you game.
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