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Old 10-01-2007, 10:12 AM
DeadMoneyDad DeadMoneyDad is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 814
Default Re: Ron Paul introduces \"Tax Free Tip\" Legislation

gold standard could be applied to our money at a much lower rate than it was in the past, making it worth exactly what its worth for gold on the open market, doing nothing but removing the ability for the fed to PRINT money and devalue the currency any further! why does no one understand this?

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Because it is not accurate. The US dollar will devalue untill our exports begin to exceed out imports. Drilling for more oil in US territory would lead to an immediate increase in the value of the dollar worldwide. The FED has very little influence on the dollar value, increasing M2 only affects inflation but even then interest rates have a much greater impact.

The main culprit in the decline of the dollar if you insist on blaming a single entity should be placed on the IMF. Do a little study on why and get back to me.


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I blame our crappy school system for creating a number of generations of economically illequiped mindless consumers.

Our economy is on such shaky ground I'm really scared for most of them!

I live in a nice little neighborhood but I'm the only one on my street that isn't sitting on negative equity in their home, well that I know of....

Where was the <u>government</u> to save those people from <u> betting their largest single lifetime investment their homes</u> on the come? Where were the protect us from ourselves crowd when the <u>sub-prime predators were running their rigged game ?</u> 125% credit lines with a hidden $20k~$30k finders fee for the mortage broker!! Where was the FoF when the CRACK of credit <u>the credit card companies</u> took advantage of the housing boom to create a new bunch of DEBT burdend slaves . In this country you used to be able to buy a person as a slave by buying their debt, guess you still can!

Most of these poor ba$tards are out getting second jobs to pay the note on their homes full of crap they bought on those ever increasing credit limits, thanks to the re-fi pay-offs, and they are going to spend 30 years paying for all those impulse purchases.

What did Yackoff used to say, "My God what a country??"

Oh that's right they were saving poker players from themselves..............and the evils of gambling and the crack of gambling poker......

Read this and see what you think of my gold portfolio, my wife has wanted to sell her SUV for a new turbo Beatle convertible. I'm going to the dealership this afternoon!

$100 a barrel for oil???? WSJ

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