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Old 10-01-2007, 07:36 AM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 41
Default Re: Discuss: Five Basic Mistakes to Look For In an Opponent

I for one loved this article for it was plainly stating a lot of great concpets.
one big concept was on the big blind I didnt know that it was a great strategy to fold a great deal of hands on the preflop in the big blind. I was under the impression that you would want to see a lot of flops as the old adage "the flop missed you but it also missed your opponet as well".

wouldn't one get blinded down if they are folding prefop in the big blind, and then get raised when on the button when we raised?.
in relation to a head up battle at the final table or a sit and go?.
how do we combat this big raiser who is taking momentum, our chips , and demoralzing us.
pick a hand and move in, therefore putting him to the test or do you have a strategy you are going to reveal in november issue?

this wasnt' in your article but i was also wondering about the phil techique of moving in every hand ? . how do you combat this especially if you are card dead ?.
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