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Old 10-01-2007, 06:54 AM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default Re: zero tolerance / cash sucks

I have never seen or been offered an arguement that showed me why cash on the table is in any way good.

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in bigger games it's a pain to buy (and later cash out) tens of thousands of dollars worth of chips.

edit: RR beat me to it. i was only thinking from the player's perspective, hadn't considered that it's a hassle for the cardroom too, but it makes sense.

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I'm not sure what you meant by your edit, but the first part is perhaps the stupidest reason ever for letting cash play. It's a pain in the butt to use chips? Well it's an even bigger pain in the butt to watch these jerkoffs try to stiff each other over and over (yes, it's quite common), and of course it's a royal pain in the butt to ask for counts of loose bills when you know you'll often be misled, and of course the game will be delayed further. Chips simply don't delay the game and can't be miscounted easily (otherwise tournaments simply wouldn't work). Cash equals assinine, period.
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