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Old 10-01-2007, 05:34 AM
TNixon TNixon is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 616
Default Reccomendations for reviewing hands after a session

I'm trying really hard to get better about reviewing hands after a session, but I'm playing *way* too many games to review more than a handful of the games I'm playing (playing 30-50 matches in a 3-5 hour session is pretty typical for me).

Given the choice between picking a few games at random to review the entire game, or putting together an amalgam of all the big pots of the night to review individual hands, any thoughts on which of the two is going to give me the most bang for my reviewing buck?

Or would it be better to be taking notes during a session for specific spots to review? That might be a little tough, since I'm 3-tabling, but I suppose I could type "review" or something in the chat window, and then hook on that when scanning through.
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