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Old 10-01-2007, 03:57 AM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Default Re: zero tolerance / cash sucks

You know why you can't make somebody count down their entire stack for you? Because if you could, somebody would make this request every hand, and we'd get out about five hands per hour.

Keep all the chips neatly stacked; keep the big chips visible; count out the bills upon request, or give an estimate if you have thousands on the table ("About 2500" is fine, as long as that's within a few hundred--"About 300" is not acceptable, as being off by a single bill can mean you're off by 33% or even 50%).

I don't know where anybody got the idea that they are "entitled" to an exact count of an opponent's stack. If the conditions I listed above are met, then your opponent has done his due diligence.

Can you imagine if we gave players the power to demand countdowns upon request? Player A would certainly make Player B count down every penny for no other reason than A is mad at B for invoking IWTSTH. And A might do it to him ten hands in a row. Then B catches on, and returns the favor a few times. Yeah, that's good for the game.
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