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Old 09-30-2007, 09:42 PM
Montrealcorp Montrealcorp is offline
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Posts: 346
Default to all the top dogs here(Boz,,etc..),about a quote from mason!

im asking here because its the perfect limit to apply it!
i red about this quote a couples of time and couldnt figure out if it was that much of a good thing or even a necessity to become great?

what i met is,u think u learn more this way then by playing tight as everyone suggest?

here is the quote from mason malmuth(wich a lot of u know about it im sure) from poker essay p.123:

"On the other hand ,if your goal is to become great,playing loose will more likely get you there,assuming you dont go broke in the attempt."

is it a true fact?
but cost a lot of money (making it not worthwhile since it can cost tooo much for what it will benefit you ,meaning u will learn almost nothing like this anyway and if u add the cost to your bankroll it will suffer,it is not a good bargain.

Or,since its micro limit,give it a shot and learn a great deal from playing loose since it wont cost u much(taking a relative small loss on your bankroll at those limit) compared to what u can learn?
(like mason says:after much experience on tough spot, u will recognize them more often and be able to make better decision for the futur when they happens again.

PS: he didnt sayed it in those particular words but u get the feeling on what he was saying right?))

if it happens again but on higher stakes,then i saved money there?(since facing tough decision happens playing tight or loose anyway?)

so,if i got some money to spare(and start back at .05/.1) and want to learn something from playing loose,can it be a good investement for the futur?
Or its just a cost of money, since at those level,playing loose ,u wont learn much anyway from playing with them ?

maybe playing loose,like mason "advocate" to become really good,is only vs good thinking opposition and not vs total "newbie" wich its full at .05/.1?

well ty for answering!

btw,this is not an attempt to try finding a reason to play more hands......really its not,i make money by playing tight and its good enough,i just want to move up eventually at a much higher stakes and wonder if playing loose at very low level could help improve my game like mason is suggesting?

quote from behind the book:
"The book is designed to make the reader do a great deal of thinking....very few readers will agree with everything the text offers,but the information provided should help most pepole become better players."

maybe this subject i brought might be implement in his last quote?

i just wonder if the good guys(BOZ,MrWookie,BigBadbbabar,etc.),and anyone else fo course, around here did play looose in moments and learned a great deal from it when they did(beside playing loose = large increase of % to loose money)

so ty(please dont shoot for trying to bring this "stupid" discussion),i just dunno what to think of it (about mason quote).....ty
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