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Old 09-30-2007, 08:55 PM
JamaY JamaY is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 33
Default Re: Having a hard time making profits

Haha, I'd knew that would happen.
Lets see if I can sum it up in a couple of sentences.

After almost every one of my sessions (albeit short ones), I end up break even. When I win a couple of buyins, it seems I change my style and end up losing the profits and calling it a day break even or losing a couple of bucks.
When I lose a pot >20BB I start steaming and end up loosening up my play to get that dollar back...and the opposite happens since I call too many raises preflop with speculative hands, or take a stab at pots and get called.

I think I have several leaks in my game, but the biggest problem is psychological: When I play patiently and for the fun of playing well, I win money. When I play to win money, I play badly, losses get to me alot easier and I end up losing the money I won playing patiently.

I don't know if I've just answered part of my question myself, but I'd like to hear some experiences from wining players (especially you cmyr). I don't need the money (or else I wouldn't be playing with such low blinds), but my bankroll represents how well I've played in the session and from the beginning of my "career" it's frustrating to always have the same amount and never see it grow past a certain range.
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