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Old 09-30-2007, 06:33 PM
Thug Bubbles Thug Bubbles is offline
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Default Re: most emotionally devasting moment in film

Grave of The Fireflies surely has been mentioned, but the scene that gets me is when the little girl is lying on the ground, so starved that she started eating mud. She made these little mud balls, thinking they were rice balls and they furthered her dehydration. That alone is harsh, but the fact that she saved a few for her brother when he gets back is just wrenching.

Passion of the Christ is pretty devestating imo. But then again its not totally devestating because of the whole ressurrection/died for our sins bit.

I don't see how the knife scene in Saving Private Ryan is even close tbh, its pretty grim and harrowing yes, but I didn't really have any huge affinity for the character so it wasn't really that emotional for me tbh.

For a slightly different choice - the scene outside the Opera house at the end of Godfather 3 (f the haters) is a scene I've always loved and been touched by. Al Pacino scream is absolutely chilling, its like the remnants of his soul are literally being ripped out of him during that scream. Amazing.

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Good call with Three. Best part is that when he first howls the sound is muted, then when he heaves another breath and screams again the sound is on and you hear his haunting cry.
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