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Old 09-30-2007, 03:42 PM
Smurph64 Smurph64 is offline
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Default Re: Semibluffing on turn with 8 outs or less?

I guess I need to consider my orphan pot stance here. Draws can't call here in hand 1.

No one has a king at least 85% of the time. Many bottom pairs fold UI on turn donks when an overcard comes.

So I have to worry about a Q or two pair hitting and raising. If they all call, I still have 6 outs to the nuts where I am going to get the semi-bluff back.

I have two outs where I can lose more money than if I check.

So the question is do you call a bet from the CO here if you check it, because if I were the CO I would bet it with anything? If the answer is yes well consider the semi-bluff instead.

If the answer is no then check.

Lot of this is read sensitive. If you play poker without reads don't semi bluff.
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