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Old 09-30-2007, 02:25 PM
Gramps Gramps is offline
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Default Re: OT: Sweat the Usher

Hand #25 - Nam Le has the button in seat 1, Sass raises from the cutoff to 27,000, Cajelais calls from the small blind, and Campbell calls from the big blind. The flop comes J98, Cajelais and Campbell check, Sass bets 47,000, Cajelais raises to 160,000, Campbell folds, and Sass moves all in. Cajelais asks for a chip count, and it's another 303,000 (463,000 total).

Cajelais calls with J9 (two pair), and Sass shows KK, and he'll need to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the 4, and Sass needs a king, an eight, or a four to survive. The river card is the -- 8! Alan Sass rivers a higher two pair to win the pot and double into the chip lead with about a million in chips.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do they let people watch this FT up close? If so, it must have been loud as [censored] when that 8 hit...
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