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Old 09-30-2007, 02:20 PM
J.Brown J.Brown is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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Default Re: My first \"Starting Strength\" workout

Although I am echoing what previous poster have already said, I want to emphasize the importance of initially focusing on form and technique with lighter weight. Around this time last year, I was forced to take a 4-5 month break from lifting due to a back injury I suffered from doing sloopy deadlifts. It is sooo frustrating to be held back from working out due to physical limitations when the mental desire to work out was there. The second time around I took the time (3-4 weeks)to perfect all the compound lifts, although like you I felt like I "wasted" a workout because I didn't feel physically exhausted afterwords.

I guess the moral of the story is focus on perfecting your form and ONLY THEN hit the weights hard! When you really start lifting heavy your body will thank you for it.

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think about in terms of taking a lesson, well in anything, but squash is a good analogy.

you take a backhand lesson from a pro.
you go hit hours of rails at 50% to 75% pace to get a groove and work on your new grip/backswing/follow thru etc.
then you take it and use it at full speed in matches.

of course your practice isn't as taxing as your prior matches with your old ineffective backhand, but omg will your new one work better. same with starting strength.

believe me once you get the form down and feel comfortable it will all be taxing enough. plus compound movements w/proper form are very taxing on your muscles/mind/CNS.

good luck and keep us posted. J.
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