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Old 09-30-2007, 01:13 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: please read if you are a supernova

Everyone - the bonus kind of sucks.
It's not even $1200 for free because you do have to spend points to get it.
You are spending $30 of FPP's to get $100.
So it's really only an extra $70/mth that Stars is giving you because you would otherwise be spending those 2k FPP's on other stuff like points-for-cash or concierge or whatever.

So yesterday the $50k freeroll was worth $47.
So if you are interested in and/or have the time to just play in 2 of these each month you are still doing way better with the freerolls. Even moreso if you have the ability to cash in them every once in awhile which obviously isn't hard.

Obviously if you REALLY hate the tournaments and the time-commitment, which I do understand, then getting ANY cash to not have to feel obligated for the tourneys is better than nothing.

But you are getting about $17/wk from Scottyy's cash-bonus proposal vs. a $50/wk tourney value (which I guess is likely to go down since there should be more players who make it to SN by the end of the yr....but may go back up as some of the SN's drop out by Feb 28, 2008).

I'm not dead-set against the cash-bonus option because I really am not too keen on the freerolls either.
Just pointing out that value-wise this is a step or two backwards.
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