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Old 09-29-2007, 04:27 PM
ScoobyDooo ScoobyDooo is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 113
Default I\'m just a confused college kid....

So i came to this forum seeking unbiased advice b/c i honestly dont know where else to find it. I'm a sophomore at Penn State University (main campus) and I'm looking to get into the business world. At this point I believe that I am most interested in finance but I have a 3.1 gpa won't allow me to become a finance major at PSU. It would however get me into accounting.

Onto the question...if I wanted to set myself up for the highest possibility of being successful in the world of finance, would I be better off transferring to West Virginia University so that I could major in finance or should I stay at PSU (much better reputation for academics) and major in accounting? I plan on going to grad school either way...My understanding is that a Penn State business degree carries a fair amount of weight, whereas WVU doesnt have nearly as good of a reputation. I'm just not that sure how important the undergrad stuff is if you plan on going to grad school anyway...and I do want to get into finance, not so much accounting. Soo...what do you guys think?

All opinions are appreciated
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