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Old 09-29-2007, 12:04 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Proposed Comments to submit concerning UIGEA Regulations

As a hypothetical.

Lets say one of the "our" lawyers ........


[/ QUOTE ]

That reminds me of the U.S. Army decision to not use the Browning Automatic Rifle (the BAR, the finest machine gun of the era and still in use during the Vietnam War), during World War I, out of fear that the Germans would get their hands on it. The concern over some probability of Germans successfully copying the technology kept us from using it with 100% certainty. In other words, we may as well have not invented the BAR in the first place, for all the good it did us.

Secrecy for us tends to be the same, IMO. An idea not broadly shared is the same as an idea that never existed. Also, as we're still very much the underdogs, there's little reason to not take the fight to the enemy as ferciously as we can.

I've been harping on this a lot because this goes right to the root of what we do here. Our philosophy has always been one of openness. If we weren't, I'd not write the "Action Plan", as I'd be concerned that our enemies could see our ideas. Of course, if I didn't write the plan (or if I made it so bland that no one was motivated by it), we'd be like our WWI soldiers with those horrible machine guns that barely functioned, rather than BARs. I want us to have BARs. I want us to have all the info, and input, we need to take the fight to our opponents. Again, by "I", I mean my personal opinion.
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