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Old 09-29-2007, 12:29 AM
DeadMoneyDad DeadMoneyDad is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 814
Default Re: Proposed Comments to submit concerning UIGEA Regulations

Is this the royal we , as a nominated PPA board member, or do you have a mouse in your pocket?

There are going to be quite a number of ways to attack the proposed regulations. Some of them for stretigic reasons we might actually want to loose. Some language we might want to back the Gov't into a corner, some we might like vague. Some positions we want to creat a "public" record for a future court action, others might be so glorious we will want to slow play the hell out of them.

So who are you refering to, with your "we"?


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I'm just talking about us, the 2p2 posters.

I personally don't see much reason to try to hide much. It seems like we individual poker players have a simple, straightforward, brute force, task - just fill the comments board with our opinions. Just my opinion.

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Also, I like to respond to posts that suggest we spend a lot of time worrying about either empowering the opposition or informing them of our plans, as if this is all some backroom game of maneuvering (all intrigue and smoke-filled rooms).

It seems these (just my personal opinion) are usually self-defeating for us, as we saw last year when UIGEA passed. Too many poker players thought being quiet was the best approach. It turns out that being strongly and proudly on the offense has actually been the best path for us. I hope we'll continue this -- strong advocacy for our rights...full speed ahead!

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I have no idea of what the proposed regs are going to look like and what might be the "perfect" strategy for effectively combating them.

But I have been on both sides of proposed rules fights.

Given that there are quite a number of both straight forward and asymetrical ways to defeat a proposed rule and given some of the talented people on this board, IMPO the less "sunshine" of our more creative ideas the better.

I'm sure we can find a way to alert the nessecary people to some of the better ideas.

Or have I spent too much time inside the beltway or re-reading <u>The Prince </u> ?

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