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Old 09-28-2007, 10:23 PM
Legislurker Legislurker is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 728
Default Re: FT Bot refund rumor.

An affiliate CAN provide essential bot detection info. If a bot farmer is using the same RB acct at diff sites, then its a slam dunk. Theres only SO much live cash action you can do.
I can only manage maybe 14 cash tables for 2-3 hrs, if a bot is getting similar RB to that at 2-3 sites in the same month, especially skins at ongame or crypto etc, then its a bot very likely. But what affiliate would turn that in? They are making a killing and can dodge any guilt. I have ZERO doubts the bot farmers have affiliates working with them, if the affiliates themselves arent bot farming. A MILD penalty but one that hurts their profits would be a decent tool. Im half a mind to support that all affiliates only receive a one-off fee for new signups and a tiered payout per month for RB accts that go to players in whole.
Its a scuzzy world with threats, backstabbing, and intimidation omnipresent that should be phased out.
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