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Old 09-28-2007, 08:05 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Getting started in kettlebell training

If you get two, I'd make them the 24's, for a male. longbody is right that the grinds will get you to 32 surprisingly quickly, even if you're not very strong at all. So two 16's will be, well, "underkill," I guess.

I think you'd be better off not doubling up on anything until you have at least a 16, a 24, and a 32. Also, I'd ignore all the weights in between. If a bell is too heavy for a while, just do holds with it, partial reps, or negatives, and you will make surprising progress quickly. Gaining moderate strength is not nearly as hard as gaining mass, and can come pretty quickly.
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