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Old 09-28-2007, 04:08 PM
DLizzle DLizzle is offline
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Default Prove me wrong about draws

I think a lot of you guys play draws WAYYY to aggressively these days. I've thought this for a long time, so I guess I should try to see if I'm wrong. Here's an aejones hand from BBV that, along with some other random hand I read today, bugged me.

Seems to me that a lot of people think this is standard. I think its really bad. Why you ask? I think his FE is close to 0, and I feel like his equity is terrible against his opponent's range. I mean, how about this pokerstove for jokes:

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

1,070,190 games 0.042 secs 25,480,714 games/sec

Board: 3d 4d 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 54.943% 54.23% 00.71% 580402 7595.00 { Jd7d }
Hand 1: 45.057% 44.35% 00.71% 474598 7595.00 { random }

I'm really against doing the math, it will take forever for me and I'll prob screw it up. I'd like someone to come up with one or more 'opponent calling range'/'fold equity' combinations that would make aejones' play correct.

Also, please discuss the general play of draws, such as when it is correct to play them aggressively and when it is not. (type of opponent, stack sizes, board textures, etc.) Also discuss metagame effects.

This might seem ssnl worthy, but I don't think it is. MSNL games have changed and I don't think people have adjusted well with draws.
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