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Old 09-28-2007, 04:01 PM
raptor517 raptor517 is offline
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Default Re: Phil Ivey vs. Jman 300/600

im not really sure where to fit this in, but i kinda skimmed and saw lots of ppl talking about a stop loss. every time i have lost a lot playing HU, its been to the
same person after i got stuck a buyin or 2. i always tell myself that i dont ever tilt, and im always playing A game and playing great poker, but its just not the case.

im not even really sure what it is or whate causes it, but i know it happpens. something in my game goes off in a v v bad way. it may very well be that im playing too tight, and getting pushed off hands. i can turn into a gigantic turtle if im running bad, and then randomly ill probably do some obvious bluff and get looked up by 4th pair and get mad at how bad his call is etc etc, then reload and proceed to lose more money in my anger. its not even anger though because i honestly feel while im playing or when looking at hands later that none of the plays are really even that bad in a vacuum, but in the context of whats happening, are probably pretty bad.

there are so many dynamics in a HU battle when you are stuck. when the opponent is playing with confidence, they will bluff with better frequencies, play hands stronger, and basically put lots of pressure on you, and you will inevitably make a mistake, or subconsciously play a hand differently than you would if you were winning. it happens to everyone and i dont think anyone could possibly give me a good enough argument that it doesnt happen to them. it does.

another thing to consider, is when you get stuck a lot, a lot of players wont allow you to get it back. if ur stuck say 5 buyins at 25-50, and the guy is sitting on 30k, but u keep reloading to 5, hes comfortable with that, but if you double up to get 10k vs 25k, u will sometimes get quit on. this infuriates me to no end when im stuck, and its another reason to put in a stop loss, because some ppl just wont let u get it back once u hit a certain point. i dno i havent slept in a long time cuz i been traveling, so i hope i didnt ramble too much. just wanted to get the jumbles out of my head.
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