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Old 09-28-2007, 12:12 PM
Benjamin Benjamin is offline
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Default Poker Stars Improvement Suggestions

Below is an email I sent to Stars regarding a pet peeve of mine. Add your suggestions to this thread ... I couldn't find an old one to resurrect.

"One thing really bugs me about your software.

On the regular tables (not fast tables), when we first sit down, please give us the 'wait for big blind' checkbox.

As it is, you sit down and you have to wait for the current hand (or more if you are coming up on the button) to be over to be prompted by the software to click 'wait for big blind'. But, THEN your software removes the 'auto-post' blinds checkbox, so now you have to wait to be prompted by the software AGAIN to post your blind, before you can finally settle in with both the 'wait for bb' and 'auto-post blinds' checkboxes checked.

Extra clicking, and extra waiting around (instead of grabbing a drink or taking a leak), which could be avoided if you just give us that 'wait for bb' checkbox right when we sit down.

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