Thread: What IS Luck?
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Old 09-28-2007, 08:12 AM
T50_Omaha8 T50_Omaha8 is offline
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Default Re: What IS Luck?

Many people believe that when they stub their toe or pop their tire, house burns down it's because of lady luck. How does deviation from ev apply to these cases?

[/ QUOTE ] Example:

P(House burns down) = 1/10,000
P(House doesn't burn down) = 9,999/10,000
Value of house burning down = -$100,000

EV = -$100,000/10,000 = -$10

House burns down.

Actual result: $99,990 below EV. Hence bad luck.

Every game and situation has a skill element--our ability to collect and properly utilize the available information.

[/ QUOTE ] How does the roulette wheel in your avatar fit this claim?
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