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Old 09-28-2007, 02:07 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Default Re: My Christianity: Free Will

Your theory might work if you postulate that God doesn't interract with us or answer prayers. But if he does, he puts himself inside the system and your logic falls apart. Why bother to tell Lot not to look back if he knows he will?

A much simpler solution for theists would be to postulate that God can NOT perfectly see the future. This avoids the paradoxes. There is even a branch of Christianity that believes exactly that. I know this because Not Ready referred me to their website! Although neither one of us can remember their name.

In fact if I was developing a religion I might suggest that it was exactly THIS power that God sacrificed for humans. And humans only. He didn't actually "die" for your sins he gave up one aspect of his omniscience to have a relationship with us. The mechanism might be the Uncertainty Principle or something like that. I think the only reason Christians might have a problem with an idea like that is that it contradicts a few specific biblical passages. That's a shame because I don't think the major tenets of Christianity have much to do with God's ability to see the future perfectly.
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