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Old 09-27-2007, 11:43 PM
GMan42 GMan42 is offline
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Default Re: Bizarre injuries you\'ve suffered

OK, a couple of mine have been taken...pencil lead in my left leg, 2 oddly bent fingers from my being horrible at football (I [censored] up my left pinky just last month while whiffing on an interception, and I think I'll get it X-rayed now that a previous poster mentioned 15 years of pain..ugh). Other notables include:
--When opening my locker in high school, I had a sheet of paper flutter off the top shelf and looked up just in time for the edge of the paper to hit me, dead center, right in my open left eye. Couldn't see right for a month.
--At home, we had a weird sliding door leading into our kitchen that we never night I guess my mom decided to close it for some reason, and at 3AM I plowed into the door face-first on my way to get a glass of water. Stumbled back in the dark holding my bloody nose and proceeded to trip over the edge of a couch and whack my head on a table. Good times.
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