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Old 09-27-2007, 11:29 PM
Felix_Nietzsche Felix_Nietzsche is offline
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Default Conservative Website
I found a conservative website which intriques me. The main guy made some interesting predictions about the Chicoms.

"China is in very serious economic jeopardy, summarized by the Three No's: No water, no wives, no banks. The entire financial and banking system of China is facing collapse."

"The economic collapse of China will precipitate an attack on either Taiwan or Russia (to seize the Primorski Krai in Siberia (the land in FAR EAST RUSSIA near Korea) which once was China's) as an attempt to overcome economic disaster by appeals to jingoistic Chinese nationalism."

Then I saw this Drudge article:
"Though water is drying up, a Chinese metropolis booms"

Notable quotes:
"China's disadvantage, compared with the United States, is that it has a smaller water supply yet almost five times as many people. China has about 7 percent of the world's water resources and roughly 20 percent of its population. It also has a severe regional water imbalance, with about four-fifths of the water supply in the south."

"Hundreds of feet below ground, this provincial capital of more than two million people is steadily running out of water. The water table is sinking fast. Municipal wells have already drained two-thirds of the local groundwater."

"The North China Plain undoubtedly needs any water it can get. An economic powerhouse with more than 200 million residents, the region has limited rainfall and depends on groundwater for 60 percent of its water supply. Other countries have aquifers that are being drained to dangerously low levels, like Yemen, India, Mexico and the United States. But scientists say the aquifers below the North China Plain may be drained within 30 years."

Damn commie bastards. Serves them right. Ahhhhhh......schadenfreud, thou art my friend.
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