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Old 09-27-2007, 08:58 PM
basementproject basementproject is offline
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Default Re: P-Stars NL .01/.02 - First deposit of $25 gone in 2 days... help?

Thanks for the screenshot, dude. Huge help. Here we go...

Your VPIP is way too high at both levels. Meaning, you are definitely playing WAY too many hands. Your Preflop Raise % is also WAY too low, considering how many hands you're playing. Your agression factor at all levels is also scarily low, telling me you are basically giving up to anybody who shows strength/resistance. You are running a very, very passive game, and that is akin to basically paying to watch cards get dealt online.

You're also only winning 37% of the time when your hand gets to the showdown. This is a function of playing crappy hands, and hitting something with them. Take for instance, as we discussed in another thread, you limp in on the SB with 6 2o- any two cards can win, right? The board comes 6 2 3 rainbow. Great, huh? Bet away. Turn comes 8x. River another 2. Chances are, even to a huge river bet you're going to call, because you've attatched yourself to your hand on the river. A guy who also limped in preflop calls you down with 2 9, or something equally as ridiculous. This is the reason why you need to tighten up, and play only hands you're comfortable showing down.

The bottom line is this: Tighten up. Raise your good hands preflop to show agression. Bet the flop after you raise to push people out of pots. Show down hands you hit, let the other ones go.

As a benchmark, good stats to aim for are around 18-25VPIP 13-18 PFR%.

There is a lot of strategy involved in turning your pattern around, but this is a good, basic starting point. Tight. Agressive. Solid.
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