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Old 09-27-2007, 08:37 PM
NIX NIX is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default Re: Bizarre injuries you\'ve suffered

In 3rd grade, my friends and I made a huge piles of leaves to jump into. We figured it'd be even better if we jumped off of a small step ladder into the leaves. I go first. The ladder kicked out from under me when I jumped, I feel awkwardly and fractured my wrist in two or three places.

In 8th grade, my step brother and I got into a fight with like 3 other kids on the school bus. Not too far into it, my brother and I smashed heads. He knocked one of his front teeth out and cracked the other in half. I had a deep inch long gash or so in the side of my head. As I was trying to clean myself up afterwards, I found the other half of his tooth lodged in my scalp.

In 10th grade, I was riding my bike for fun/exercise. I was on a back road that had a gravel shoulder. Somehow, I fell asleep or blacked out while riding or something because I remembered riding and then a second later I remember sitting on the crossbar while my arms and head were hanging over the handlebars. I started to drift into the road and panicked as a car was coming, so I grabbed the handlebars and cranked the wheel to get off the road. I turned it to far, basically cause the bike to jackknife so I went down in the gravel and skidded for several feet before coming to a stop in the road. I quickly got up and went home. When I got there, I saw my one knee was torn up pretty bad, a hip and shoulder cut open as well, but not as bad as the knee, and worst of all, the side of my forearm was missing all the skin from my elbow to about halfway to my hand, so about 5-6 inches. I was a mess. My step dad said he had something to help my clean up my wounds and got a red bottle. I told him no peroxide and he promised me it wasn't. That's when I learned about iodine. I still have three inch long streaks of asphalt or something in my forearm.
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