Thread: Razz in SoCal
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Old 09-27-2007, 07:37 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default Re: Razz in SoCal

For a Thursday you will probably have to play with Roc/DD if the game is to be straight Razz. Maria once said something along the lines of "blah blah blah except Razz" when we were trying to add Stud games. I honestly don't remember if she said she'd play any Stud game except Razz or if Razz was the only Stud game she'd play. If it is a mixed game then Crazy Mike can probably round up other people and then spring the fact that Razz will be in the mix on them when they get there. Be warned that Crazy Mike sucks at getting a game together because the only time it was his job instead of mine he forgot to call the key player to tell him what time we were starting so we had to wait a while.

As long as DD gets you in contact with Crazy Mike I would expect there is a good chance of the game happening.
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