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Old 09-27-2007, 05:33 PM
Ryan Beal Ryan Beal is offline
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Default Re: vB Infractions - Update

I want to again stress that this is just a standardized base, although it is important to me that the site have at least a little more consistency with bans. Also, the entire idea of the infraction system is making things more standardized. It's almost useless if that's a big problem.

To get into a somewhat different matter, I don't really understand why we need to be banning people 3 days for 'googletarding'. It makes no sense to me. The idea behind OOT exiles is that poor content in OOT doesn't necessarily warrant a ban from the site, just the person not posting in OOT. The removal of the * system shouldn't have changed that. My thinking with OOT specifically is that we'll have an OOT point infraction. Just one point. The max level for an exile can be up to you guys, but I was thinking 3-5.

While the exile can't be automated within this system, it should be easier to keep track of it all. And this also provides just a little more incentive for members to be cool in there, as it could have a (minor) effect on their overall infraction level.

The 6 month expiration on points for a minor infraction is something I mulled over, but in the grand scheme of things I think that works out ok. I don't want the 5 point one to carry no weight at all.
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