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Old 09-27-2007, 09:46 AM
dark-o dark-o is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 31

Situation at two handed Nl table.two palyers are involved on the flop. Flop is Q99. player A check, and player B go all-in. Player A call and show 98(set), player B show AQ(par of queens). Turn is 8(full for player A), player B turns his cards down face and say: it won:t come, bot the cards DID NOT HIT THE MUCK. the river is a Queen and give a player B full of 9 and Queens. Player A is asking for the pot, because player B folded.Floor is called, and give the pot to the B player because they both show there cards, and cards DID NOT touch the much, and said: "the Dealer saw AQ so it is regular it wright verdict by Floor?
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