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Old 09-27-2007, 06:46 AM
Jorge10 Jorge10 is offline
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Default What should I do?

I have only posted once in this forum before. I asked for advice on which books to buy. I bought "a random walk through wall street", "the intelligent investor", and "the four pillars of investing." I am reading them and took a finance course to learn more about money.

My goal is to retire early and to have enough money to do as I please later in life. I just turned 23 and have about 1k a month to invest available to me. The problem is that I havent done anything yet. I am just reading and learning more. So far I think I should maybe buy some index funds that follow the stock market and earn a steady return on my cash, but I dont know if that is the best strategy. I dont know what to do or where to go. Thats kind of the point of this post. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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