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Old 09-27-2007, 05:19 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: 30 and living at home

I still think there are excellent reasons to not live at home past 18 (or at least 21-22), and those that do are rightly looked down on by those who stand on their own two feet.

You're not really an independent person while someone who's legally required to love you is providing your food and shelter. Not to mention the bizarre dynamics of being an adult in a family home.

I can't imagine becoming an adult without going through the struggles of having to earn enough money (under the spectre of living on the street), having to manage ALL of your own affairs (with the consequences being that they don't get done) and finding your own way in life without the daily backdrop of a familiar home, people that have to care for you, someone to make your meals, and high school friends. How can you ever build character or know your capabilities if your life is totally safe?

As for the cost of rent, it's not that terrible. I always shared rent with a couple of people, and you can easily have a nice pad for a reasonable price. $1500/month split four ways gets a great place with plenty left over for spending and saving.
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