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Old 09-27-2007, 03:49 AM
Peleus Peleus is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 317
Default Re: Sweating Cards = Dead Hand?

I'd vote it being a dead hand under the one player to a hand rule.

Simple fact is that the player showed his cards to another, recieved a comment about the cards, and went on to play the hand. If that isn't two players to a hand what is?

How can you then start making judgements over how much information they give as to if it was two players in the hand. Once you start down that route you're going to find different interpretations of things start leading to different amounts of help etc, a slipery slope.

Simply make it if another player comments on you're hand once you show them, you're hand is dead. Its you're reponsibility to protect you're cards.
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