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Old 09-27-2007, 01:03 AM
xxThe_Lebowskixx xxThe_Lebowskixx is offline
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Default celebrities least deserving of their fame/money

many people on this list are probably great businessmen because they are devoid of talent.

Paris Hilton - why are people obsessed with this chick? she doesn't do anything whatsoever. she is not even attractive.

Martha Stewert - the sound of her voice makes me want to slit my wrists. none of the recipes on her show at all complicated. her shows are 30 minutes long. 15 minutes of commercials, 5 minutes of pumping her website, book, e-video, store, frying pan, brand name, 5 minutes of the obnoxious female audience clapping and 5 minutes interviewing some gay guest who doesn't say anything except 'is this the on button?'.

Jennifer Lopez - there are probably ten million chubby spanish chicks with big butts. that NY accent makes me want to tie a bag over my head. every film she ever made has sucked(besides Out of Sight) and her music is garbage.
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