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Old 09-27-2007, 12:12 AM
calmB4storm calmB4storm is offline
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Default Critique My Diet Please

I'm 6'3", 190 pounds, giving me a BMR of 2073. Assuming I'm "lightly active" (I'm doing the 5x5 Intermediate Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and HIIT on Saturday), that means I need 2850 calories for maintenance.

Right now I'm looking to cut for a month or so, hopefully dropping ~5 pounds to get rid of the hint of a beer belly that has developed.

This is what I came up with for a hypothetical diet (numbers in parentheses are grams of fat, carbs, and protein, respectively)....

Breakfast (8:00 am):
Oats, raw - 311 Calories (5, 54, 13)
Protein Powder - 120 Calories (1, 3, 24)

Pre-Workout (12:00 pm):
Wheat Bread - 195 Calories (3, 35, 7)
Turkey, deli - 125 Calories (4, 0, 20)
Romaine Lettuce - 3 Calories (0, 0, 0)

Post-Workout (3:00 pm):
Oats, raw - 311 Calories (5, 54, 13)
Protein Powder - 120 Calories (1, 3, 24)
Raisins - 47 Calories (0, 12, 1)
Skim Milk - 43 Calories (0, 6, 4)

Next Meal (4:00 pm):
Wheat Bread - 195 Calories (3, 35, 7)
Ham, extra lean - 133 Calories (5, 2, 20)
Romaine Lettuce - 3 Calories (0, 0, 0)
Tomato - 6 Calories (0, 1, 0)

Dinner (7:00 pm):
Tuna - 194 Calories (1, 0, 43)
Olive oil - 239 Calories (27, 0, 0)
Lime juice, fresh - 10 Calories (0, 3, 0)
Romaine Lettuce - 6 Calories (0, 1, 1)

Last Meal (10:00 pm)
Chicken Breast, boneless and skinless - 128 Calories (3, 0, 24)
Green Beans, frozen - 41 Calories (0, 9, 2)
Olive oil - 119 Calories (14, 0, 0)

Snack (12:00 am):
Peanut butter - 190 Calories (16, 6, 8)
Carrot - 26 Calories (0, 6, 1)

2537 Calories (89, 228, 211)

I'd appreciate any and all comments you may have, but I also have two specific questions:
<ul type="square">[*]How should I change my diet on my non-workout days?[*]If I wanted to add more HIIT, would it be best to do it on off days (Tuesday/Thursday) or immediately after lifting?[/list]
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