Thread: Galo 3 Noob
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Old 09-26-2007, 11:48 PM
shyturtle27 shyturtle27 is offline
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Default Re: Galo 3 Noob

I specialize in slayer and team slayer, but I think this advice pretty much applies to all games. Eyes on radar almost as much as what is in front of you. You need to catch someone flanking you from side or behind for defensive purposes. Also eyes on radar to find victims first because all that matters is finding your enemy before he/she finds you. Getting the first shot in is like being on the button for the rest of the hand.

Know when to switch weapons. If you are in the open the the battle rifle with scope or the sniper rifle should be armed. Medium rand you should have the battle rifle equiped and close in so you can beat them down. In narrow halls arm up a pistol or shotgun. Shoot once then hit b when you're close for the win.

When your shield goes red or you need to reload, don't stay next to your opponent. Jump like crazy and run to cover or throw out the bubble shield until you get situated.

Study maps and the various spawn areas for items and weapons and power ups. Find optimal areas and develop and movement pattern that will keep you in the action and at an advantage. Also have a backup movement pattern.

If you ever play against someone really good then save the game field and study how they play and pick up techniques by following them throughout the match.

When traveling from one point to another then always point forward as if someone will pop up in front of you at any second. You can't look everywhere and do everything so pay attention to what's in front of you like you are driving and only adjust when your radar dictates.

Keep your eyes on the radar.
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