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Old 09-26-2007, 09:03 PM
iBETuLOST iBETuLOST is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Default Re: Update-Florida Indian Compact-Final Draft & How Poker is affected

Here is the link to the Draft of the Compact with Parapraph. L.

If the Poker rules had changed, it might have given the Parimutals(exspecially those within 50 miles)some ammo to have their lawyers and Lobbyists argue for allowing the same changes in the Parimutal Poker Rooms.

The argument made here of "what the Indians can or can't do reguarding POKER" will be mute if the COMPACT is signed and ratified, because the COMPACT clearly states that the Indain Casinos will be agreeing to operate under the restrictions and limitations as currently allowed under the Poker Room Legislation.(So even if they had the right under the Indian Gaming Act to operate differently then the Parimutals, they will be waiving that right, other then the 4 tournys a year clause, in order to get the other casino card games the Compact will allow them!

Now it might be better for Florida Poker if the Compact falls apart.

It appears that the Rubio led Republican opposition is intent on voting it down and challenging Crist's authourity to enter into it without Legislative approval.
And it appears the Governor's plan is to sign it, let the legislative branch have their vote and if they vote no, to let the Court decide wheather the Compact is valid even without the Legislature Ratifying it!

(CybrPunk's take on the Indian Gaming Act is accurate even though Table games fall under Class III in the act,the act allows the Indians the right to operate those Class III games allowed elsewhere in the state. And the argument that when Broward voted in class III slots it gave the Indians the right to run all Class III games whould almost certainly fail in court)and that is why the Indians are willing to give so much to the state, if they are allowed the additional "Card Games".
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