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Old 09-26-2007, 06:36 PM
surfdoc surfdoc is offline
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Default Re: September Low-Content Thread

right but it's like telling an alcoholic "hey, dont drink".

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it's not like that at all, but that is neither here nor there. i hope the kid finishes school.

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In real non-poker life I have a fairly significant amount of experience dealing with addiction behavior. I don't really care to debate the merits of the above statement. I will say however that the odds of Sean finishing school and having it be a large mistake are small and the odds of Sean not finishing school and having it be a large mistake are significant. Life is a series of choices and some are difficult. Although going back to school is always an option, it actually happens so rarely that the decision to quit carries with it a degree of finality. Leaving yourself options for when you make the wrong decision is pretty important especially when you are in your early 20's and don't have the experience to sort some of these things out.

Hearing about this and talking to mike made me so concerned that I did what I do when any difficult decision arises.. I consulted the family. My wife has all the usual arguments that aren't worth sharing but my six year old looks up from her afternoon snack and says, "daddy, why doesn't he just finish school AND play poker." Simple yes, but seems like the best line by a long shot.

Mike, I realize that this all sounds somewhat hypocritical coming from a guy who spent so many years in school and then would really rather just play poker. If Sean wasn't so close to being done then this would be a tougher decision. I have no doubt in Sean's talent as a player but things like this test discipline and focus that will be essential to succeed no matter what path is chosen. Poker will probably always be there but if it doesn't work out getting a job without a degree these days is pretty tough. My sister owns a staffing company and basically places candidates in appropriate jobs. With no degree there are basically no good options.

I feel amazingly old posting this but for some reason I have been troubled by this one and seeing what is going on with sean for a while now.

Sean, I am sorry your personal business got posted in the forum and I want you to know that I wouldn't have chimed in publically unless it was already out there. I am happy to talk to you in person if you like and I plan on being in LA tomorrow if you are around. I'll PM you my cell or you can get it from mike.