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Old 09-26-2007, 04:27 PM
warrantofice warrantofice is offline
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Default Re: Chris Matthews surprising honesty on US-Iran relations

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Islamic facists are now intent on taking over Iraq...I just had to type it out to really think about that...Wow..those are some words.Western Libertarians are intent on taking over Iraq...that sounds better. 'the world is an ever changing place' hey i agree with that. 'And the United States must continue to take action to secure our people and our interests' Now that...i'm not sure i agree with that...I think a lot of countries/peoples could claim the same thing.seems like Sadaam was just protecting his people from the kurds and Hitler was protecting Germany from the world..nope way to broad and scary that statement...And i talk about the rest of your being fair statement in my first post...but that too is pretty [censored] I mean honestly. Were being to "fair" yep.. need some more agent Orange i guess. teach those guys a lesson...hell, nothing like a nuke to show someone whos boss...they think they knew about chemical warfare??? Hell we invented chemical warfare...
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