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Old 09-26-2007, 04:17 PM
Clayton Clayton is offline
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Default Re: FossilMan requests your feedback

i also prefer calling on that turn. two seperate strong'ish leads oop on that flop texture typically indicates a two pair'ish hand, a set, a decent draw, or a strong draw.

raising on the turn is going to fold out:

- top two maybe 50% of the time, and the other 50% i think he plays for stacks

- any other two pair I think villain folds

- if he has a set, he is stacking off

- if he has a really strong draw, he stacks off because he doesnt put you on a set often enough with the flop call and he figures to have FE

- if he has only a decent draw, he folds.

So, given that, I like MLG's line a lot more. By flatting the turn we are representing a weakish two pair or a decent draw that does not want to bloat the pot.

I think a good analogy for NLHE is holding T9spades, raising pre and both blinds call. Flop 652 two spades. SB (fairly aggro) bets 3/4 pot, BB folds, hero calls. Turn is an offsuit ten. Villain bets again fairly strong.
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