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Old 09-26-2007, 12:27 PM
Perk76 Perk76 is offline
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Default Re: Multitabling Advice

I would like to add that the monitor is a huge component to making multitabling easier. I used to play on a small monitor (non 1600x1200 compatible) and used to try to play a bunch of different tables using overlaps/tiling etc. It always felt like it was ok, but stunk in away.

When I really noticed the difference was when I picked up a new monitor with 1600x1200 resolution capabilities and began playing with zero overlapping etc. It makes a huge difference.

If you are a cheap or dont have the money for some of the recommended 20" dells/samsungs flatpanel monitors, look into picking up an older CRT 22" or larger. You should be able to find one of those somewhere for a very cheap price. Sure they are bulky, but they do the trick.
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