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Old 09-26-2007, 11:09 AM
blinden84 blinden84 is offline
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Default Re: Trip Report: Getting Genital Warts Removed


When I was like 13, I had 15 warts frozen off of my hand. I don't know what the hell happened to me, but for some reason my hands were covered. They divided the procedure up over two or three days. It didn't hurt at all. It's very cold, obviously, but I remember thinking that it wasn't really painful, just uncomfortable. And I was 13 at the time. I haven't had a wart since (13 years later).

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I had one wart and my brother got sick and was in the pediatricians office and my mom showed the doctor it, and he grabbed my hand and said, "ohh, and reached behind his back and grabbed scissors and cut the damn thing off, I passed out, and ever since have been traumatized by doctors.

Hope they dont' do THAT to your dick.
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